Spectrum Science

The Crucial Role of Voting in Protecting LGBTQIA+ Rights

By Spectrum Science | Jun 21 2024

In a democracy, the power of the vote is unparalleled. For the LGBTQIA+ community, voting is not just a civic duty but a vital act of self-defense and advocacy.

In the last several years, anti-LGBTQIA+ laws, especially those targeting the transgender community, have been on the rise. Across the nation, approximately 515 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills are being debated and (too often) implemented. As the 2024 general election approaches, we have the opportunity to vote in ways that defend the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community.

As a continuation of our call to get to the polls in November, we want to ensure awareness of just how critical all votes are in safeguarding the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community and ensuring continued progress.

The Power of Your Vote

While 2024 has a major presidential election, your vote will have an impact in many ways. By using your voice, you can support LGBQIA+ rights across various levels and branches of government.

  • Legislative Protection: Elected officials at all levels—local, state, and federal—craft laws that can either protect or undermine LGBTQIA+ rights. Voting for candidates who advocate for, and support inclusive policies ensures the passage of non-discrimination laws, protection in healthcare, the right to marry and adopt, and many more.
  • Judicial Influence: Presidents and governors appoint judges who interpret laws that affect LGBTQIA+ rights. By voting for leaders committed to equality, we help shape a judiciary that will uphold the principles of justice and fairness.
  • Policy Implementation: School boards, city councils, and other local bodies implement policies that can make a difference in daily life, from anti-bullying measures in schools to inclusive community programs. Your vote in local elections is crucial for these impactful decisions.

Resources for Informed Voting

Informed voting is the practice of making election decisions based on a thorough understanding of the candidates, policies, and issues at stake. It is about more than just casting a ballot; it is about ensuring your vote reflects your values and contributes to the well-being of your community.

  • Ballotpedia: An excellent resource for understanding what is on your ballot. It offers comprehensive information on candidates, measures and voting procedures in your area. Visit Ballotpedia.
  • This site provides tools to check your voter registration status, find your polling place, and learn about absentee voting options. Visit
  • Human Rights Campaign (HRC): HRC’s website offers resources and endorsements for pro-LGBTQIA+ candidates. It is a valuable guide for voters committed to equality. Visit HRC.
  • ACLU: Offers in-depth information on the state of LGBTQIA+ rights in your state and what legislation is being passed, discussed or reversed. Visit ACLU.

Taking Action

By voting, you take a stand for dignity, respect, and equity for all. Engage with these resources, educate yourself on the issues, and cast your vote. Every election, every vote, every voice matters in the fight for LGBTQIA+ rights. Your participation is a step toward a more inclusive and just society. To learn more about our commitment to voting, read here.


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